If you’ve ever had to use one, you may wonder, “What is a valve sealant?” A valve sealant is vital in the in-field sealing of gate valves after severe or moderate damage. Gate valves tend to leak when the sealing surfaces of the gates get damaged. Thankfully, sealants offer high lubricity and resistance to leaking fluids.
An excellent valve sealant ensures that valves remain operational under high differential pressure. Besides, you won’t experience frequent leaks across the gate valves, reducing your operating costs. However, there are different valve lubricants and sealants for various applications, such as lubrication and sealing.
What is a valve sealant? Learn the role of a valve sealant and the different types of sealants for various applications. Share on XWhat is a Valve Sealant?
A valve sealant comprises base oils, thickeners, and additives combined. You can apply it around valve ports to form a flexible renewable seal around them. As an integral part of lubricated plug valves, a valve sealant is chemically resistant and can resist chemical attacks and the dissolving nature of the line medium. It’s also hydrocarbon resistant.
How Do You Use it?
This product has various applications, including the following:
- Lubrication: Reduces friction by preventing metal-to-metal contact of valve-sealing structures. This product forms a protective film over the bearing area.
- Drop-Tight Sealing: You can secure a tight seal by applying a sealant film over the valves’ sealing surfaces. It works at various pressures and temperatures.
- Renewable Seats: You don’t have to disassemble or remove a lubricated valve from service to replace mild seat damage. Instead, apply a sealant around it.
- Plug Jacking: You can use a valve sealant on the traditional plug valve design. The valve helps lift and free the plug from its tapered seat when under pressure.
Types of Valve Sealants We Offer
At LubChem, we offer a wide range of sealants for various applications, such as:
- Formasil RS: Used as a plug valve lubricant/sealant or as an emergency sealant in ball and gate valves. It’s suitable for use in hydrocarbon gases.
- 196 Sealant: It is suitable for sealing valves that handle condensate, butane, oils, glycerin, gasoline ammonia, and sour gas.
- Formasil HD and RG: These are sealants used in valves handling natural gas, crude oil, condensate, water, dilute acids, and caustics. They’re resistant to oxidation.
- Formasil H2O: This sealant is ideal for high-pressure gate valves in hydrocarbon services. It’s chemically resistant to aliphatic gases and liquids, including fuel and lubricating oils, gasoline and kerosene, and natural gas.
- Formasil CO2: It’s ideal for use in gate valve lubricant and in ball-and-plug valves as a sealant. It’s resistant to acids and caustic solutions.
- TFE Seal Valve Stem Packing: This pumpable packing and sealant are suitable for high-temperature hydrocarbon, steam, and hot oil services.
Lubchem Has You Covered
So far, we’ve answered the question, “What is a valve sealant?” We’ve even shown you the various valve sealants’ applications. If you intend to use this product in your operations, you can get the sealants from LubChem. We offer high-quality sealants, lubricants, and products that perform well to meet your expectations.
Contact us today to order high-quality valve sealants and lubricants for your equipment.