Lubricant Types: Which Lubricant is Used for Which Job?

Lubricant Types: Which Lubricant is Used for Which Job?


With various lubricant types available on the market, it’s vital to understand which lubricant is for which job. Every machine or equipment with fast-moving parts requires lubrication to function efficiently. But, you need to use the correct lubricant for the proper application. As a result, you’ll never experience machine downtime or failure.

Various types of lubricants include oil, grease, and penetrating lubricants. Each option has unique features to suit specific applications. For example, oil and grease are ideal for everyday lubrication, while penetrating lubricants are for loosening stuck bolts or nuts. So, never use a lubricant for the wrong application.

Ever wondered which lubricant for which job? Learn the features of various lubricant types and their applications. Share on X

Here are the features of lubricant types popular in everyday applications.

Oil Based Lubricants

Oil is a liquid-based lubricant with varying weights and viscosity. You can use oil lubricants on hinges, bearings, tool maintenance, and sharpening blades. It’s ideal for lubricating parts without resistance. We recommend using this type of lubricant on clean equipment. Otherwise, that may affect the moving part by causing extra friction.

Penetrating Lubricants

If you want to loosen rusty bolts that have accumulated debris for years, we recommend using a penetrating lubricant. The lubricants don’t offer long-lasting lubrication, as they are only suitable for infiltrating tiny cracks and breaking up rust. But, you shouldn’t use penetrating oils in place of other lubricants as they can’t last long.

Grease Lubricants

Grease is a mixture of oil, a lithium-based soap (thickener), and more lubricants, such as PTFE (Teflon). Its stickiness and texture allow it to adhere to surfaces better, making it ideal for heavyweight applications, such as gears, bearings, chains, and linkages. But, don’t use grease on fine or fast-moving mechanisms where thick grease might create more resistance.

Lubchem Has You Covered

Now that you know which lubricant is ideal for which job, never use a lubricant wrongly. Understand the kind of lubrication your machine part requires to reduce friction. For threaded rods, locks, and hinges, consider dry lubricants, which come in a spray form mixed with water, alcohol, or other solvents. Avoid using lubricants that can attract dust or dirt. Thankfully, Lubchem can get you the right lubricant for your application.

Contact us today to learn more information about different types of lubricants.

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